Garden Homepage: Why your allotment can never have enough takers
Garden Homepage: Just enough enquiries are more dangerous than no enquiries
An allotment garden has become free. Now the well known search begins: Who knows someone who would like to rent a plot? A notice and a newspaper ad speed up the process a bit. Not every association has its own garden homepage.
After a few days, three potential tenants contacted us. So the KGV has more than enough possibilities to escape the vacancy once again. In theory.
But in practice the choice is limited. A businesswoman needs the garden as a balance, but is also sometimes in the field for months in Shanghai. A student couple pretends to be nice, but would like to invite a few people – every allotment garden club knows how noisy that can get. And with the third tenant the head says yes, but the stomach strongly resists.
If the allotment garden association now had more choice, every request would get a refusal. But it hasn’t – so does the board now choose to neglect the plot when the business woman is away on business? For the party people disturbing the peace of the club and causing other tenants to revolt? Or for the bad gut feeling?
Helping the power of judgement to work
How would you have chosen? The example shows: an allotment can never have enough requests. Not necessarily just to avoid vacancy, but to keep the quality of the allotment high with new tenants.
So you don’t have to go against your gut and go for unsuitable prospective tenants, we help you generate more enquiries for vacant plots via your garden homepage. Via your own website, low cost advertising and the full marketing package, specially tailored to allotment clubs like yours. An optimised garden homapage can help you get a lot more enquiries too.
Find out more about the Marketing solution for KGVs.

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Our eBook “Vacancy NO THANKS” helps you take your vacancy into your own hands.
– With over 42 ideas to try out for yourself (tested by other KGVs)
– Make your KGV appealing to new tenants
– Find younger, pfind potential tenants