Results of the exchange of experience

Vacancies in allotment garden associations

We will be happy to email you a copy of our findings

These may be of assistance to you in reducing your vacancy.

<h2>Your benefits as an association</h2><br class=„xliff-newline“ /><ul><br class=„xliff-newline“ /><li>Free online visibility for your association and website</li><br class=„xliff-newline“ /><li>More visitors to your website</li><br class=„xliff-newline“ /><li>Earn extra money as an association by: <br class=„xliff-newline“ /><ul><br class=„xliff-newline“ /><li>planning public events such as a farmers’ market and opening your club to the town/village. The GARDEN-FINDER gives you more attention in your neighbourhood and thus more visitors</li><br class=„xliff-newline“ /><li>rents out your clubhouse (birthdays, anniversaries, … ) and thus receive more frequent booking requests through the GARDEN-FINDER</li><br class=„xliff-newline“ /></ul><br class=„xliff-newline“ /></li><br class=„xliff- newline“ /><li>With over 500 prospective tenants every day, the GARDEN FINDER is the optimal platform to post vacant gardens and receive enquiries</li><br class=„xliff-newline“ /><li>Existing tenants will find your website faster, which may not be 100% search engine optimised</li><br class=„xliff-newline“ /><li>The most important contact details for all contacts such as tenants, interested parties, partners and cooperation partners</li><br class=„xliff-newline“ /><li>Easily update your contact details without username or password</li><br class=„xliff-newline“ /><li>Easily and free of charge post free plots</li><br class=„xliff- newline“ /><li>Receive applications for vacant garden in digital form without paperwork</li><br class=„xliff-newline“ /><li>Our size allows you to find more interested parties and thus have a wider choice</li><br class=„xliff-newline“ /></ul><br class=„xliff-newline“ /><p>&nbsp; </p><br class=„xliff-newline“ /><p><strong>Even more benefits by combining GARDEN FINDER and a website of OUR KGV ONLINE</strong></p><br class=„xliff-newline“ /><p>&nbsp; </p><br class=„xliff-newline“ /><ul><br class=„xliff-newline“ /><li>Automatic update of your contact details</li><br class=„xliff-newline“ /><li>Automatic synchronisation of your available gardens between the website and the GARDEN-FINDER (less effort and more time for your garden)</li><br class=„xliff-newline“ /></ul>

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